Authors who wish to present a contribution to the conference are required to send a short paper by December 31st 2024. All contributions will undergo a blind refereeing process. The use of the IES 2025 LaTeX template is mandatory.
Papers for Contributed and Invited sessions must be submitted exclusively by filling in the submission form. Please submit the entire LaTeX folder in a compressed .zip file. The LaTeX folder must contain everything needed to reproduce the paper (.tex code, .bib file, figures…) and the compiled .pdf file. If you are using Overleaf, you can download the compressed folder in a few simple steps.
Be aware that papers will be published in the IES 2025 Proceedings with ISBN only if the following conditions are satisfied:
- papers (min 4 – max 6 pages) need to be formatted according to the LaTeX template;
- for each contribution at least one conference fee must be paid before April 30th 2025.
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